Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Bill Republicans Wish They Could Pass

Now I know this is just a spoof, and I know no one would ever really vote for this, but come on it is funny.

In all reality social security is one of our most successful social programs and has never ran a deficit until recently.  Actually, until now social security has had a surplus every year.  That surplus money is then lent out to other parts of the government never to be seen again, and also contributes to our national debt.  If our government was serious about fixing social security they would simply raise the amount of income taxed for social security from its present amount of one hundred thousand dollars to one million dollars.  If this was done social security would be solvent indefinitely.   Right now Bill Gates and Warren Buffet only pay social security tax on their first one hundred thousand dollars earned.  Do you really think they would notice if their first one million dollars was taxed instead?

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